Why Smile?
Here at Dr. Klim’s office we talk a lot about smiles. We have helped hundreds of people feel more confident and attractive when they smile. Here we understand that smiling is a natural response that shares our happiness with others.
But is smiling really that important?
It turns out… yes! A little internet research turned up the following, which made me smile (see what I did there).
Did you know that smiling triggers activity in your brain?
There’s a serious mind-body connection in your left frontal cortex. That’s the area of your brain that registers happiness.
The simple act of smiling sends a message to your brain that you’re happy. And when you’re happy, your body pumps out all kinds of feel-good endorphins.
This reaction has solid research since the 1980s. Sharing that beautiful smile with others helps them, too! Smiles are wildly contagious and when someone smiles back, their mind and body benefit just like yours.
Never underestimate the power of your smile. If you feel yours needs a little attention–to help you use it more often–we’re here to help.