Smile With Confidence
Definition of Confidence: a feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities.
Throughout our Smile Gallery are expressions of increased confidence after a smile makeover. Kathryn’s words ring true for so many of our clients. “My new smile has done so much for my self confidence. I now look at life through new eyes.”
Kathryn had been coming to my office for regular hygiene and restorative care for many years. After she moved out of the area, she suddenly knew that she wanted to have a smile makeover.
You can see how her teeth tipped in trapping her lower jaw behind them. This is a common functional problem that can lead to facial, head and neck pain. I formed a plan for her. Orthodontics was my first suggestion, which was not an option for her because she now lived long-distance. Instead, ceramic veneers were placed on ten upper teeth and the angle of tooth projection tipped forward. Her lower jaw was free to slide into its own comfortable position. This smile makeover was accomplished in two visits.
What a joy to have such a positive impact on the lives of our clients. We invite you to visit our Smile Gallery and see how various services were combined to help them enjoy smiling.
We are here to help you reach a new level of confidence every time you smile! Give us a call to learn more at (707)544-7645.